  • If Coffin is in your Yard when a rival player trashes a card from anywhere (their Yard, your Yard, the Store, the Store Deck, etc.), remove that card from the Trash and put that card into your Garage face down.

  • Coffin only puts cards into your Garage when a rival player trashes them. Cards that you trash remain in the Trash.

  • When a card in your Yard or a Tool that you play instructs you to trash a card from another player’s Yard, Coffin does not trigger. For example, when you use Catapult’s action to trash cards from a rival’s Yard, you are the player doing the trashing, and your Coffin doesn’t put the trashed cards into your Garage.

  • Keep in mind that the Yard’s owner performs the play actions (▶︎) of cards played onto their Yard. For example, when you play Termites onto a rival’s Yard, the rival owning the Yard is the player doing the trashing, and your Coffin will trigger, putting the trashed cards into your Garage.

  • Yes, it is incredibly mean, but incredibly satisfying, to play Termites on a big pile of cards in a rival’s Yard when you have Coffin out. You don’t need friends. Give it a try!

  • When you play Spirit Board and your rival trashes the card that you give them, your Coffin will trigger and put that card into your Garage.

  • Event cards are played when they are revealed. If your rival trashes the a card from the Store Deck, and the trashed card is an Event, that Event is revealed, your rival plays the Event card immediately, and the Event card is put onto the bottom of the deck after it resolves. Because the Event is no longer in the Trash, Coffin fails to find the Event card and cannot put the Event card into your Garage.



